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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

What 2 Weeks In Looks Like

Ok, we're getting there little by little. I decided to take some photos tonight of our unpacking progress. I'll admit that it takes much effort to figure out where you want things. I then find myself changing my mind 15 times. I know it obviously takes time to get settled, but I'm the kind of person who unpacks from a trip immediately upon returning because I like the satisfaction of completing a task. Kinda weird, but it's a somewhat struggle to not be unpacked and decorated and satisfied just yet. We're getting there! And we probably do have a lot done for 10 days, but not everything has found its place yet.

Outside the grass is getting really high in the front. The back has a ton of patches and it will be a project for this weekend. (fertilize, re-seed, water, etc.)

So what do I love? Entertaining! We've had a lot of friends and family stop by in the past week and I love it! In fact, tomorrow night we are having about 8 people over for dinner. We would have never been able to entertain like this in our apartment. We are also able to have two guest rooms right now which is awesome! We have even had guests (ok, my mom one night and my in-laws) too in the past week!

Here's how things stand tonight...


  1. Congrats on being able to have guests over now!

    I think that is what I am looking forward to the most. We have a very small place right now that just doesn't allow us to have company over like we want.

    Enjoy entertaining!

  2. Same here w can't wait to be able to entertain. Congrats on everything!

  3. There's no place like your new place, that is.

  4. Congratulations! I hope we are able to get everything unpacked the week that we move in, but I am the type to take weeks to unpack after a vacation! LOL

  5. Wow, Summer, you are IN and doing it UP! I love your enthusiasm! I think it is such a gift to share our home with family and friends.

  6. Your pictures are really tiny and hard to see!
