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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Nerd Alert!

This post has nothing to do with our house, but it has everything to do with blogging.

I can't seem to figure out how to "follow" any new blogs. I used to just click on the "follow" up in the top of the blogs but now I can't seem to see that on sites. I only see "share" and "report."

Is there an easy way to follow new blogs that I'm not seeing?

Our meeting today went SO well! I'll recap this weekend when I have more time!


  1. I was wondering the same thing. Sometimes there is a Google "Join This Site" but it makes me join by my name, not by my RH Blog.

  2. I noticed that the follow at the top is missing too. I did follow the "Join this site" link, signed in with Google and then there was an option to use another profile (Blogger among them).

    I miss the easy way!

  3. Nerd to the rescue. You click on design and then click on the "b" in the upper left hand corner that will take you to your dashboard. About 1/3 down the page there is a sort of blogs I read area. there is an "add" button where you can add the link to each blog you like, then you are a member of that blog.

    is that what you needed?

  4. It isn't just you - Google has removed the "rarely-used feature" HA. Rarely-used my tush - that is the only way I know how to follow people. I don't like the Join this site button because it is not the same function as Follow.!starred/blogger/tCniBcyG8as

  5. I thought it was an option the blogger to chose to put on the blog.

  6. Thanks for the feedback, everyone! Seems I'm not alone in the frustration! Oh well!

  7. No, you are not alone! I have been over here scratching my head for days. It appears that I have two blogs: one with Ryan and one with Blogger or Google, somebody! Anyway, it is a bit frustrating! I have a couple of people following both sites and not sure if people can tell we exist AND can someone explain how to add the feature "my blog list" AND the countdown clock to settlement. Nerd to the rescue, please and Thank you!

  8. Everyone of us have been through this.. Here is how can do it..After logging in to blog with your User ID and password, click on the design link in the upper right corner and then click on the layout. In the layout webpage, click on "Add a Gadget" link and select "Blog List" gadget from the list. Once you select, you should see it in your layout. After that, click on the gadget and add the blogs to your list using there URL.

    Hope this helps..
